AKPsi Leadership Course

FYI to people not in my course: I teach a leadership course for pledges in my college business fraternity, AKPsi. I condensed life, career, & leadership insights I’ve learned over the years into a few 30 minute sessions. My hope was that those sessions planted the seed of interest for pledges to learn more. The real good stuff is in this page. It’s filled with timeless quotes, blogs, & more for you to use to grow into an authentic leader. Happy exploring! - Luke

📚 The Course Materials

1. What’s Your Why?

What’s Your Why? (Resources)

2: Be Responsive, Not Reactive

👑Be Responsive, Not Reactive (Resources)

3. Luke’s 3 Big Pieces of Life, Career, & Leadership Advice

👑Luke’s 3 Big Pieces of Life, Career, & Leadership Advice (Resources)