work journey

Currently cold email for Third Wall.

Journey thus far: busboy → systems automation & biz ops → growth → club founder + newsletter writer + community builder + salesman → blockchain consultant → salesman


Deloitte BDA | Advisory Intern

Creating risk tools for crypto companies

Cyber Patterns | Sales

Closed > $10k of deals through Twitter

Illini Blockchain | Co-Founder

Built the coolest tech club on campus

Burst | Growth

Lots of writing & testing at pre-seed startup

Theresa Clancy Law | OG Intern

Built no-code tech for internal ops

Maya Del Sol | Busboy

A lot of scrubbing, sweating, & Spanish



Industrial Engineering (Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Grainger College of Engineering)

  • Graduating in May 2024 (3.79 GPA currently)

What I learn about:

1st year: basics of science (physics, math, CAD, circuits)

2nd year: basics of engineering (mechanics, materials, math)

3rd year: core IE classes (optimizing systems using high-level math, algorithms, & code)

4th year: senior design projects & economics track option (working with companies, financial engineering)